
In today's business scenario, organizations that have yet to modernize and update their business infrastructure are finding wide inefficiencies between what exists and what is possible. Often obsolete software is left to manage key aspects of an organization's operations with little or no collaboration between the different applications and modules. The consequence is lost money, lost time, and weak performance.

Keeping these things in mind, we designed e-fusion framework. e-fusion is designed to model and automate many of the basic processes of a business organization beginning from customer inquiry stage to manufacturing management, with a goal of integrating information across the company. It uses web as a platform to bring customers, dealers, suppliers, manufacturers and employees together. The design of e-fusion facilitates clear integration of modules thus providing flow of information between all functions within an organization.

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Case Study

Based upon e-fusion framework, we have developed various training software for PRATHAM - India's Biggest NGO in education.

The whole program is known as 'Education For Education'. Idea behind this is to educate rural India. This software work on hybrid mode (online and offline), since in India remote villages do not offer reliable NET connection. It runs on 3000 laptops across 108 districts in 6 states, educating thousands of people.

e-fusion App for Android

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